Saturday, November 20, 2010

12.11.2010 Children's Day and Mini sport .




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Speech by Dato' Seri Khoo Keat Siew -President of the Penang Buddhist Association

This graduation ceremony today marks a big step in the lives of the 95 pupils who will be entering Standard 1 next year. They will be leaving kindergarten after receiving a good foundation for their primary education. They would have acquired a sound knowledge of the 3Rs-Reading , Writing and Arithmetic which gives them a headstart at the next level of their education. The PBA Kindergarten is acutely aware that preschool education should not be a drudgery to the young children and has tailored the programmes accordingly so that learning can be fun.
The number of Kindergartens in the State, I understand is close to 400. The increase in numbers over the years has affected the enrolment of our Kindergarten. Today the intake of new pupils is about 200 compared to 800 in the Eighties and is likely to be reduced further in the coming years.
Education that begins early in the life of a child would enable the child to become a knowledgeable and creative adult. The inculcating of positive values, skills and good ethics in the learning process will shape his character and prepare him for the challenges in our modern world.
I would like to congratuate the parents for their wisdom in investing in their children's education. If not, when their children grow up they will be sidelined in our community because of their lack of proper education, skills and capabilities.
The Penang Buddhist Association has a good mix of children from the different ethnic groups, Chinese, Malays and Indians.
Kindergartens are conducive to social interaction and children exposed to the cultures and traditions of the other races grow up more tolerant and understanding of one another.
Kindergartens have so far existed without a common syllabus. This position will soon be rectified as the Education Ministry plans to develop a revised curriculum that requires all Kindergartens to follow. This move is to be lauded as it will improve the quality of preschools nation wide. The Education Ministry hopes to make preschool education available to all so that children can have equal access to education, and the opportunity to develop their skills and talents. At present only 60% of Malaysian children attend preschools before starting their primary education.
Before I close I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Headmistress, teachers, staff and parents for another successful year.

01/11/10 (星期日)第四十七届毕业典礼终於于上午十二时圆满的谢幕了。仪式一开始是由全体毕业生唱国歌,佛宝歌及毕业歌。接下来是董事主席拿督斯里邱吉寿上台致词。下来是由园长报告校务。今天董事主席特别颁发纪念品给林清音老师以表扬她这20年来为幼教的付出及贡献,同时也颁发杰出奖给林可欣同学以奖励她校外填色比赛的优越表现。(她一共获得16个奖项;计有一个冠军、三个亚军、一个季军十一个优秀、佳作及安慰奖)
毕业生代表致谢词的有胡靖暄(华语),Anhusia Devi (国语),谢欣洁(英语)。
余兴节目有Yellow 1 的夏威夷舞;Yellow 2 的骑木马;蓝三(幼二)的龙舟鼓手;蓝二的合唱;蓝一的舞龙灯;蓝五的风筝舞;蓝三的肚皮舞;蓝四的七彩缤纷;Red 1,Red 2 的绅士与拐杖;蓝三的美丽的印度姑娘及Red1,Red2的马来舞;最后以Rasa Sayang 这首歌来谢幕。